Friday, October 4, 2013



                                    NEVER say NEVER!

          Learning is fun and interesting if it is accompanied by an experiential learning because its the best way to teach students like us especially if the subject is complicated.
   As I go beyond EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 2, I found out myself enjoying, interested and go with the flow because the activities are for learner who wants  to improved and developed their drawing skills, computer literacy and it will help also  to us  enhance our creativity.It is not merely an easy subject to be rejected because first and foremost, It will drive us to our journey in the future. It will be helpful for our future especially if we are in the field as a future educator especially in field in computer.But before accomplishing a lot of experiences you have first to  face a lot of hardships and challenges performing each activity and as we all  its just part of learning and we should keep on trying our best to aim high. During my experiences,there are certain cases also that I'm feeling to gave up in making these activity especially in the making of MS PUBLISHER because of my hectic schedule that time and lack of background about the software but then,  I would say "NO"  because I have an aim and that is proved myself that I can met my expectations and proved also to others that I can make my own program and certificate.I'd just keep on trying so hard and keep believing that I will accomplished the task.
          In making our activities, I have sacrifices made especially my time instead of doing my other matters that is related to other subjects but I know that I have also failures as a student because of the lack of time management, being irresponsible and not committed to my works but despite of those times that I'm feeling to gave up, I overcome these challenges, I am still smiling and finally say " I made It". It's a big accomplishment to me that I was able to made it in the end.
             Nothing would replace my experiences and learning in EDTECH 2 because for me it must be treasured because of the learning we've got not only in the subject but also to ourselves that we should strive always in our journey.That in every activities we made in our life now , we should not take it for granted because sooner or later we will realized how important it is.It's not merely the subject that make us learn but it also includes our facilitator of learning because without her we are nothing to be experienced  and to be gained something that is important in the future. She is knowledgeable with its comes in her subject and I highly appreciated for her efforts even though  the students are kept  on complaining about the activities to be given and honestly to say that,  I am one of those students who kept on complaining the activities to be  done but in the end, I just realized how lucky we are that we have this subject that is applicable in our course  and a great instructor like her..:) And for this time,  since it's my last activity in  her subject, I would like to grab the opportunity to thanks our teacher  for sharing her deep knowledge to us, for making her  time worthwhile to us  and for her unending patience and hard works to make us learners made the activity successful .And also I will take this chance  to say SORRY for the times that I made something wrong with you  Ms. Louisa O. Bongcales ,my sincere apology ma'am...

              ..thank you ma'am for being a part of our journey this semester.We are blessed to have you!.. :)

Great actor and actresses!

                                                      We made it!

         When our instructor said that our next activity is all about MOVIE MAKER, I'll suddenly felt sad and a little bit excited because we are going to do it by group.I am sad because for me this application is not that easy because we are not familiar but I am excited because we can experience how to  act like an actor and actress.
         As we go along in making our video, our first aim is to make the educational show suited to the level of the learners that they can understand the main concept of the show.We decided to create different techniques that will lead  the learners to discover and enjoy the discussion . We made our show more interesting and captivating in the eyes of the learners but we encounter some problems because of some distractions in the environment and the unavailability of the resources but its just part of a challenge to us as a group.                
       After making our video , the next route is for editing and for me it is the most hardest part in making this activity because all of the member of the group are not familiar with this application and its our firs time to make an educational show. All we did is to cooperate each other that made our show successful.It takes time for us in making our video but we have gained something in the end.

Our topic is all about " COLOR WHEEL"  and our main focus their is a discovery learning for the learners.So, I'm inviting you to please watch our educational show.Hope you'll enjoy watching !

I am happy and proud to say that among all the groups we gained a high score.WE MADE IT!:)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Creative Designs!

                            "A lot of LEARNING to be treasured."

         Learning MS PUBLISHER is sometimes a little confusing for a beginner like me in the since that I am not familiar with this application. In making my program and certificate,   I found out that MS PUBLISHER is best suited application compare to MS WORD because it contains numerous templates, it is simple to use and when it comes to the page, you don't need to edit because its automatic . In using this, it is just really a  since of passion and you must enjoy what you are doing because one's you have that attitude surely you will meet your expectations that will lead you to a beautiful and satisfying output.It is just not merely the content but it also includes on how creative you are in making designs that is pleasing  to the eyes of others.
     For me, It was the best activity I've ever had because I learned something different  that is significant in my course and all I know in my high school days that in making a program and a certificate Ms WORD is fitted application but as I go through in my Educational Technology, I learned MS PUBLISHER that is more effective to used.

 Proudly present my outputs:

I made this certificate and I'm satisfied with my output even if its my first time to use MS PUBLISHER.

Front Page of My Program about Christmas..::)

This is the flow of my program in our Christmas Party!

Back page and I decided to put a quote that tells about Christmas:)

..back and  front view..
-is feeling happy about my score ..Great JOB for me!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Slide Geeks!


                                             Creativity Does!

            Exercise No. 8 is all about MS PowerPoint and we all know that its one way of delivering our topic since we are  in the living in new generation now.It will test our creativity in presenting our lesson. 
             As I go through in my slide presentation ,  I found out the activity challenging and interesting because my topic is MATHEMATICS and we all know that this subject needs emphasis for the learners.It needs a lot of of decision making on how can I strategize the learners to captivate their attention with regards to my topic and in order for them to be motivated. For that, I did a lot of searching through internet and also I ask some people who are knowledgeable enough since it's my firs time to made a slide presentation.After searching, I decided to put some graphics and pictures for the learners to relate and understand the topic easily.

I provide pictures and graphics to make it more interesting! What can you say?

What can you say about my presentation?.Is it creative enough?.

It's look great, right?

This is the  Story board of my Slide Presentation.

hey! I've come out with a good result from this activity and I gained a perfect score.

Happy and satisfied for my hard works.:)

Follow ME!

                           KEEP CALM and FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!

        hey guys!.Another activity had come and its seems that it is the simplest activity we had because we are familiar of the application used.It is common in making our projects, assignments, research and others.This activity that is given by our teacher is all about MS WORD and our task here is to encode our sample lesson plan and there are some instructions raised that you need to follow to gained a perfect score.You need to follow the proper used of fond style, size, alignment and spacing in this activity..

                                             " The 3-4 sided polygons"

this part is my cover page!

The font style used here is Times New Roman and as you can see that there are words that are bold in letters so, that are the important parts of the lesson plan.

The Presentation And Discussion part

Generalization down to Assignment!..How can you find the activity? Isn't it simple if you follow the instructions?


Therefore, " Following Instructions" is the best way to attain high score in this activity and proudly to say that I'm one of that learner because I've got perfect score! :)

The Power of Transparency

 " Learning Tool"

          We are told by our teacher that we are going to bring a sample lesson plan for our next activity entitled "OVERHEAD PROJECTOR" . I decided to chose a semi detailed lesson in MATH which is " THE 3-4 SIDED POLYGONS". Our teacher discussed  the use of OHP and advantages in education. She shared to us the techniques in making the transparency.So, our task is to make with our sample lesson plans the proper way of presenting our lesson with the of transparencies and OHP itself.For me, as I go through in the activity, I realized that it is not just about and ordinary writing of the whole discussion in the transparency because you have  to bear in mind that the space is not enough in the transparency . What I did is, I used an OVERLAY TECHNIQUE which we are told by our teacher in making our transparency , I just wrote my discussion part and assignment.    It is not  a easy task because  you have first to calculate the font size of the text if it is readable in eye of the learners and I've make sure also that my penmanship is clear enough .After having that activity, I've wasted a lot of transparency for my drafts but it's worth.

                                              " The 3-4 sided Polygons"

This is my discussion part and as you can see I drew the different 3-4 sided polygons an additional guide for the learners.

Meaning of Polygons


Examples of 3-4 side Polygons

And there corresponding meanings!


This is my ASSIGNMENT part!
After wasting my transparency for my drafts, I gained perfect score for my works.!

Great Mind


     "Feeling FREE"

           hey!..this activity looks interesting because we are going to blindfold ourselves.Our teacher told us that we are going to bring cartolina, pen and a handkerchief.We are going to perform Exercise No. 5 ( non- objective shapes) and as our teacher explained to us her instructions to make the activity successful  it makes me feel excited because of her expressions.As our activity was going on, we are given 15 counts to form without knowing what would be the output of our activity.We are going to move our hands freely without lifting the pen so we can form a continuous line. After that, we will going to color our output and we going to place a title from our non- objective shapes.

The Title of my Output is " Sleeping BEE". Is there any similarity with the SLEEPING BEE?