Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Great Mind


     "Feeling FREE"

           hey!..this activity looks interesting because we are going to blindfold ourselves.Our teacher told us that we are going to bring cartolina, pen and a handkerchief.We are going to perform Exercise No. 5 ( non- objective shapes) and as our teacher explained to us her instructions to make the activity successful  it makes me feel excited because of her expressions.As our activity was going on, we are given 15 counts to form without knowing what would be the output of our activity.We are going to move our hands freely without lifting the pen so we can form a continuous line. After that, we will going to color our output and we going to place a title from our non- objective shapes.

The Title of my Output is " Sleeping BEE". Is there any similarity with the SLEEPING BEE?


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