Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Behind my Personality :)

" Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking,thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great.”_Abdul Kalam

       hi guys :) It's our first activity entitled VISUALIZATION in our Educational Technology 2 (laboratory) and I'm looking forward from it.I just want you to know that I'm not used into drawing and I am not creative enough so please bear with my outputs.Our task here is to drew a thing that represents LOVE, STRENGTH, POWER, and UNITY and after that, we are going to write a short explanation why does this thing symbolizes for LOVE,STRENGTH, POWER,and UNITY.After visualizing, I decided to drew a torch for POWER, heart represents for LOVE,world for UNITY and cross for STRENGTH.In making this activity is not just  an ordinary drawing because you have to reflect yourself that is  connected to your life. So, are you ready to judge my outputs??

Can you determine what is my drawing all about??.By the way , it is a torch  and this symbolizes for me POWER because its give the meaning that life must go on even through the darkness.

How about this one?. HEART symbolizes LOVE because through this we can really feel how precious we are human beings..


I drew this as a sign of UNITY because it is necessary for a country to be united in every actions made and for the future generation to be productive.


A CROSS symbolizes me STRENGTH because for me without the presence of GOD, I am nothing. And in every person I made, I put GOD first in order for me to be guided by his loving arms.


This is my over all explanations about my drawing and as you can see there are red marks made by our teacher and this seems that my grammar in not that good buts it OK with me  because its just  part of learning..:)

After the activity, I gained 18 points out of 20 and for that,  I'm satisfied because I know that I'm not in into drawing and lack my creativity skills. Maybe next time , I will try my best to be creative and i will enhance my drawings skills  more through my learning  in Educational technology 2.:)

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