Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Slide Geeks!


                                             Creativity Does!

            Exercise No. 8 is all about MS PowerPoint and we all know that its one way of delivering our topic since we are  in the living in new generation now.It will test our creativity in presenting our lesson. 
             As I go through in my slide presentation ,  I found out the activity challenging and interesting because my topic is MATHEMATICS and we all know that this subject needs emphasis for the learners.It needs a lot of of decision making on how can I strategize the learners to captivate their attention with regards to my topic and in order for them to be motivated. For that, I did a lot of searching through internet and also I ask some people who are knowledgeable enough since it's my firs time to made a slide presentation.After searching, I decided to put some graphics and pictures for the learners to relate and understand the topic easily.

I provide pictures and graphics to make it more interesting! What can you say?

What can you say about my presentation?.Is it creative enough?.

It's look great, right?

This is the  Story board of my Slide Presentation.

hey! I've come out with a good result from this activity and I gained a perfect score.

Happy and satisfied for my hard works.:)

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