Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Power of Transparency

 " Learning Tool"

          We are told by our teacher that we are going to bring a sample lesson plan for our next activity entitled "OVERHEAD PROJECTOR" . I decided to chose a semi detailed lesson in MATH which is " THE 3-4 SIDED POLYGONS". Our teacher discussed  the use of OHP and advantages in education. She shared to us the techniques in making the transparency.So, our task is to make with our sample lesson plans the proper way of presenting our lesson with the of transparencies and OHP itself.For me, as I go through in the activity, I realized that it is not just about and ordinary writing of the whole discussion in the transparency because you have  to bear in mind that the space is not enough in the transparency . What I did is, I used an OVERLAY TECHNIQUE which we are told by our teacher in making our transparency , I just wrote my discussion part and assignment.    It is not  a easy task because  you have first to calculate the font size of the text if it is readable in eye of the learners and I've make sure also that my penmanship is clear enough .After having that activity, I've wasted a lot of transparency for my drafts but it's worth.

                                              " The 3-4 sided Polygons"

This is my discussion part and as you can see I drew the different 3-4 sided polygons an additional guide for the learners.

Meaning of Polygons


Examples of 3-4 side Polygons

And there corresponding meanings!


This is my ASSIGNMENT part!
After wasting my transparency for my drafts, I gained perfect score for my works.!

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