Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Trying hard!

    "Be the best you can be."

           ..hooray for today!.. Another activity had come and it seems that is the most saddest part here in making this activity because I only have 14 points out of 20.I tried my best but my best wasn't enough to gained high score maybe because I did something wrong  and because of my carelessness and I accept the fact that its my fault. I wasn't able to perform my task well where the instruction of our teacher is to drew the plant and the bottle in our view. Maybe it's just a lesson for me to persuade more and make efforts because I need to recovered my score to other activities.

This is my output in this activity and as you can observed that there is something wrong with my output because I was not able to drew my correct  view and as what  our instructor corrected that the bottle must be in the center..

                                             ..BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!

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